Welcome Nominating Agencies!

National Philanthropy Day is a wonderful way to recognize and honor outstanding individuals or organizations that have made significant financial contributions to your organization and/or demonstrated exceptional commitment to your organization and others in the community. Please carefully review the category descriptions and guidelines for submitting your nominations.

Key Dates:
June 15th – Nominations open
August 13th – Extended deadline for submitting nominations for all Outstanding Philanthropic Impact Awards
September 20th – Extended deadline for submitting Distinguished Agency Honorees Nominate-Awards

Two Ways to Honor People or Organizations

Outstanding Philanthropic Impact Awards: Awards are presented to individuals, corporations, foundations, service organizations, youth, and young adults who demonstrate an exceptional commitment, not only to your individual agency, but to the community as a whole. Local nonprofits submit nominations, which are reviewed and voted upon by a selection committee of community and nonprofit leaders. Download Guidelines

Distinguished Agency Honorees: Every agency has someone special… someone who consistently goes above and beyond, making contributions of time, financial support, or special and unique talents. Please take this opportunity to acknowledge the contributions by that special person to your agency. Download Guidelines